Take Control of Your Finances
Our Xero accounting integration helps teams stay on-top-of all jobs, and the finances that accompany them.

Optimise Your Accounts With Commusoft
Audit Your Records
Monitor Debtors
Get the Most From Xero and Commusoft
Our Xero accounting integration streamlines daily operations. When raising an invoice for a job in Commusoft, your accounting information automatically transfers through your Xero accounting integration. You can also import your existing contacts and financial data from Xero into your Commusoft account, allowing your staff to see vital information straight from within the Commusoft app.
What Is Xero?
Xero is an accounting software system that’s all online, so you can work when and where you want. Just log in to your PC, Mac, or mobile. Your bank statements are automatically imported and categorised, letting you see your cash flow in real-time.
Xero Accounting Integration FAQs
Yes, when integrating, you will be prompted to opt in or out of importing all of your customer data from Xero to Commusoft. Customer data will be imported however it is stored. If your customer data is messy in Xero it will then be messy in Commusoft.
Please note, there is no way to undo this import. Be sure to clean your customer data in advance!
Due to many people using their bank feed to reconcile invoices as payments come into their bank, we now have a feature whereby any payments entered into Xero will import to Commusoft as long as the invoice has come from our system.
Yes; any updates to a customer’s name, title, email address, or property address will update that customer’s contact details in Xero. This removes the need to input manual data twice.
You can toggle this functionality on or off.
You can make this change against the customer’s account in Commusoft, and we’ll send that change to Xero with the appropriate invoice. This will save you both time and stress!
We integrate to Xero’s tracking categories and options via Commusoft’s invoice categories; you can have up to 100 tracking options for each tracking category while a tracking category needs at least one tracking option to assign the feature to a transaction. This can be handled in lieu of department codes or cost centres, making your chart of accounts manageable.
This is another layer of reporting that you can apply to drill down where your invoices are coming from!
Yes; and with Commusoft, you can assign multiple nominal codes to a single Xero invoice.
Most integrations are limited to only assigning one nominal code to an invoice. Commusoft, however, allows you to pass multiple financial figures to the same invoice.
Unfortunately, if the Xero server is down or malfunctioning, there is nothing the Commusoft team can do to help. All communication between the two software will stop until the Xero server is back online and it’s recommended that you contact your Xero support team.
All you need is a Xero account and a Commusoft account.
Learn more about Commusoft’s plans and pricing.